Title: Goldierocks and the Secret of Happiness
Genre: Four Quadrant Animated Family
Story By: Arthur R. H. Wasem Sr. , Paula Williams, Amy Bates
Written By: Arthur R. H. Wasem Sr.
Form Pages: Script (67), Sheet music (40),
Draft Date: 9/20/2018
Circa: Fairy Tale
Budget: 15MM
Someone is kidnapping the singers in The Enchanted Forest. Meanwhile GoldieRocks is searching for the perfect style of music.With the help of her mother BrundiLocks and the Fairy Queen Setabyma they uncover a secret plot, save Moosemans concert, the music of the Forest, and learn the secret to happiness along the way.
My partner grew up with the nickname Brundilocks. She is brunette and trust me, everything has to be "just right." While in New Orleans in 2015 she came up with the idea for a children's book. She wrote the book.
I write screenplays, so I did.
Show don't tell.
GOLDIEROCKS a free spirited girl shares her family's need to get everything “Just Right.” Her mother BRUNDIELOCKS, the sister of Goldielocks who is definitely the most famous family member in the Enchanted Forest finally succeeded in the quest when Goldierocks was born.
Goldierocks begins her adventure by meeting and saving QUEEN SETABYMA. Queen of the Fairy Queendom who grants Goldie a wish. Goldies wish is not to have everything just right but to learn to be happy with everything the way it is. Queen Setabyma grants her wish but there is a catch. If she ever tells anyone Goldie will be dead by morning.
This, at first, doesn’t make Goldie happy until she realises that she can “show don’t tell” the secret.
The opportunity comes when we discover that the singers of the bands in the the Enchanted Forest are disappearing. Rob, from Rob Ensign Caruso (Bob Marley), Wolf from the emo band The Boys Who Cry (ColdPlay), Little Red from the Hood (Ryannah), Jack from the Beanstalks (One Republic), Alice from the Wonderland (Flyleaf) and others. The concert promoter, a rather sharp, MOOSEMAN hires a Private Detective, INSPECTOR MESAW, to solve the disappearances.
Goldie get the chance to audition with all the bands looking for the music that is just right.
This gets her noticed by the WITCH who with the help of THE HUNTSMAN, Little Red’s secret love and under the Witches control, kidnaps Goldie and takes her back to her lair. Goldie escapes with the singers and together they put on a show like no other. Goldie even finds a way to help the Witch find happiness as she does with all the other people in the forest.
In the years that followed all the inhabitants in the Enchanted Forest became aware that Goldie knew the Secret of Happiness but never told. Until at last on her deathbed she revealed the secret to the world. She never awoke again but everyone that followed it, to this day, lives Happily Ever After.
I’m a writer, producer, and musician specializing in adventure with a faith undercurrent. My style could be best described as familiar and “I never saw it that way before”. I draw inspiration from life experiences and looking outside of the box. My main goal is to make a living as a producer, writer, actor, and part of Hollywood. I also have an interest in monetizing new media like I have done in music. I’m excited to work in Hollywood because of the storytelling sensibilities and taste. As a writer, I believe I offer a unique approach, perspective, and voice.