Title: Paula La Land
Story By: Arthur R. H. Wasem Sr.
Form Pages: Script (102)
Draft Date:  3/16/2018
Genre: R Rated Spoof Comedy
Circa: Present
Budget: 3MM-5MM

This parody spoof on the movie La La Land. Features Paula a young Detroit dog walker trying to break into the walking business who falls for an older musician who is trying to save rock ‘n’ roll. More cowbell.


Content coming soon.


I’m a writer, producer, and musician specializing in adventure with a faith undercurrent. My style could be best described as familiar and “I never saw it that way before”. I draw inspiration from life experiences and looking outside of the box. My main goal is to make a living as a producer, writer, actor, and part of Hollywood. I also have an interest in monetizing new media like I have done in music. I’m excited to work in Hollywood because of the storytelling sensibilities and taste. As a writer, I believe I offer a unique approach, perspective, and voice.

© Copyright 2018 Arthur R. H. Wasem Sr.